
South Coast, Jamaica (Our Honeymoon)

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Can we just go back?  After a wonderful wedding weekend... Andy and I took off to South Coast, Jamaica for a week and half.  
Our flight took off Monday morning at 6:00... so we were up at 4:30.  We started off the trip by me forgetting my wallet and laptop in the rental car!  Well the rental car wasn't open yet... so luckly I had my passport in my suitcase and we just had them ship it to us when we got back home. 

Sandals arranged for a bus to pick us up at the airport and take us to the resort.  On the way to the resort our driver got pulled over.  The cop stood in the middle of the road with his hand up and pointed to the side of the road.  Our driver paid $20 and got let go.  When we were sitting their on the side of the road about 10 cars got pulled over.  
A hour and half drive from the airport to the resort... and then it was nothing but relaxing and we were more than spoiled.  I would highly recommend this resort to any couple!  Food was included so we gained back all the weight we lost for the wedding weekend.... prettyyyy fast!  The water sports were included in the cost, so we could go out on the water when ever we felt like it.  The workers were so friendly... sometime the photographers were a little too friendly haha!  BUT at the end of our trip... I do admit I was excited to see all the photos they took of us!  
One amazing trip down with this man and can't wait for many more!! 2.5 weeks we head off to an adventure in Iceland!   We are renting out a camper van and driving ring road for a week!  STAY TUNED!!!

We played TONS of shuffle board!!!  

Then we came home to this.  We got home around 12:30.  Cleaned this up by 2ish!  Thankfully Andy didn't work the next 2 days!

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